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PhaseSpace is a veteran-owned small business. Government agencies can purchase products under GSA Schedule contract GS-35F-0184X directly from PhaseSpace or through the GSA Advantage! online shopping and ordering system by using the search term "phasespace." PhaseSpace is also in Phase III of a Navy SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) grant and is therefore eligible for sole source government contracts for optical tracking, motion tracking, virtual reality, augmented reality, telepresence, collaborative reality, virtual training and other tracking and input device applications.

PhaseSpace works with universities and research groups worldwide to remain on the cutting edge of technology. Below are a few defense and research applications that the have employed PhaseSpace motion capture systems.

Bot & Dolly

With the help of a PhaseSpace motion capture system, Bot & Dolly trains industrial mechanical arms to become creative robots. These robots have been used for a variety of artistic purposes, such as painting, performance art, and cinematography.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Shared Mental Models for Human-Robot Teaming

Researchers at MIT's Interactive Robotics developed a system to allow humans and robots to effectively work in teams using a Phasespace motion capture system.

Willow Garage

The Palo Alto-based research lab Willow Garage utilized Phasespace motion capture in the tele-operation of their PR2 robot's arm.

University of California, Berkeley

Researchers at UC Berkeley's Teleimmersion Lab use PhaseSpace motion capture system to study human movement and human-machine interaction. The high accuracy of the Impulse system makes it an excellent tool for tracking users, measuring movement for biomechanical modeling, and providing ground truth for multimodal data acquisition.

Universidad de Los Andes

The IMAGINE research group at Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia created a gesture-based interaction system by tracking users' fingers with Phasespace motion capture.

Sandia National Labs

Sandia National Labs has used PhaseSpace motion capture in multiple development projects. A gesture recognition system capable of controlling 3d widgets was developed by using the PhaseSpace system as an interface. The advantages of PhaseSpace technology allows it to be suitable for real-time interfaces. Multi-user shared interfaces were also developed by Sandia using the PhaseSpace system.

University of Southern California: Codename: Blueshark

With the help of Phasespace motion capture technology, the Institute for Creative Technologies at the University of Southern California developed the Enhanced Environment for Communication and Collaboration, also known as Codename: Blueshark. The goal of Blueshark is to create a virtual environment where Navy recruits learn how to interact with future communcation and collaboration technologies, such as head-mounted and holographic displays.

Navy Research Lab

Virtual Combat is the future of military and law enforcement training. A trainee can be immersed in a virtual environment that is controlled and fully customizable. The Navy Research Lab is using the PhaseSpace system to create a complete virtual environment populated with virtual characters. The real-time motion capture allows for trainees to interact and move through the training space naturally.


CAVE Automatic Virtual Environments are immersive rooms created for visualization and interaction purposes. CAVEs tend to be completely enclosed so the integration of a motion capture system can be difficult. However, due to PhaseSpace's industry leading 60 Degree FOV, the Impulse X2 system can be placed within the CAVE to capture motions. No other optical motion capture system can deliver the same results as the PhaseSpace Impulse X2 in a small enclosed CAVE.

Oregon State University: Wave Research Laboratory

The O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory is the first experimental hydrodynamic analysis lab to use an Impulse motion tracking system to acquire data. It is one of the largest coastal and hydraulic laboratories in North America featuring a three-dimensional wave basin with a large wave flume (104m long) and a new, high performance, large-stroke piston-type wave-maker. Using 8 cameras and 18 active LED markers placed strategically on various moving or fixed objects in the wave tank, the Impulse system is able to track and quantify the response of floating structures to wave action with submillimeter resolution at a 480Hz sample rate.


The PhaseSpace system can be configured into a passive light tracking system. PhaseSpace has received a new SBIR from the U.S. Air Force to measure the surface deformations of planes in wind tunnels. The system is accurate enough to be configured for scientific measurements.

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