Research & Defense

Decades of Experience

PhaseSpace produces an exceptional tracking system, but we’re also a company of passionate researchers and engineers.


Over the past 20 years, PhaseSpace has partnered with branches of the US Military and many Research Universities in diverse industries, from augmented reality training, to robotics engineering.

Accessible, Powerful Motion Capture

PhaseSpace’s state-0f-the-art motion capture is used for the most demanding applications. Customers have tracked indoors and outdoors, on human, animal, and robotic subjects. We have 100+ University customers and have worked on many  government contracts. Our customers have diverse interests and our technology has surpassed their needs.

How Can PhaseSpace Help?

PhaseSpace contributes to innovative solutions for a wide range of customers. Our tracking and input device products are best-in-class for performance, reliability, and flexibility. We are happy to provide expertise in virtual reality, augmented reality, telerobotics, collaborative reality, virtual training. Contact us to discuss how we can help.