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October 31, 2012
PHASESPACE IMPULSE SYSTEM SHOWCASED AT UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA'S VIRTUAL REALITY DESIGN LABThe University of Minnesota's College of Design promotes its Virtual Reality Design Lab with a video of their PhaseSpace Impulse system in action.
Watch the lab's promo video here...
October 2012
HIGH PRAISE FOR THE ANIMATION IN DANCE CENTRAL 3 BY HARMONIXThe latest installment of the Dance Central series is getting great reviews, particularly for the high quality of the complex character animation. Harmonix uses their own PhaseSpace Impulse system as a key part of their Dance Central production workflow.
Read more from Gaming Trend... Read more from Game Informer... September 2012
BEHIND THE SCENES: SPIDERMAN GAME PRODUCED WITH MIXAMO'S PHASESPACE IMPULSE SYSTEMMixamo took their PhaseSpace Impulse system on the road to conduct capture sessions for The Amazing Spiderman game. Some of the performers and crew were already familiar with the PhaseSpace system from their work on the Spiderman movie.
View the behind-the-scenes video here August 4-9, 2012
PHASESPACE AT SIGGRAPH 2012 IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIAPhaseSpace along with key industry partners will be contributing to the Merchant of Venus Prime project in The Studio at SIGGRAPH 2012.
Participants will be bringing together their artistic, technical, and creative skills to produce a trailer for an animated feature.
Additional details regarding the project can be found on our SIGGRAPH page.
In addition, PhaseSpace representatives will be on hand during SIGGRAPH to meet with customers and interested parties.
March 6, 2012
SHAWNEE STATE UNIVERSITY LISTED IN TOP TEN ON THE PRINCETON REVIEW LIST OF TOP UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOLS TO STUDY VIDEO GAME DESIGNThe game design program at Shawnee State University has received the honor of being listed as number 7 in the Princeton Review List of Top Undergraduate Schools to Study Game Design for 2012.
The Motion Capture Studio at Shawnee State, which is a core facility in the game design program, is built around a PhaseSpace IMPULSE system.
Read more about the ranking here...
January 24, 2012
PHASESPACE IMPULSE SYSTEM INTEGRAL PART OF CHRYSLER TRAINING CENTERA PhaseSpace IMPULSE motion capture system is an important part of the recently inaugurated Chrysler training academy in Warren, Michigan.
Read more on the opening of the new academy...
January 20, 2012
ONCE AGAIN, SPOTLIGHT ON ORIGAMI DIGITAL FOR CUTTING EDGE VISUAL EFFECTS WORKPhaseSpace customer, Origami Digital, provided the ground breaking visual effects for the film Bunraku. The philosophy and pipeline used is covered in a recent article:
Unfolding the World of Bunraku
January 19-29, 2012
PHASESPACE MOTION CAPTURE SYSTEM USED AS PART OF EVENT AT SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVALPhaseSpace Motion Capture is a key component of the "Hunger in Los Angeles"
event at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. The PhaseSpace IMPULSE system is used both for production of the rendered animations in the presentation as well as
for real time head mounted display tracking. The result is a highly immersive experience for attendees.
August 7-11, 2011
PHASESPACE AT THE 38th ANNUAL SIGGRAPH 2011, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIAPhaseSpace will once again have a presence at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver, British Columbia.
We invite you to visit us inside The Studio for some hands-on demonstrations of a variety of exciting and new products.
CEO, Tracy McSheery will be speaking at Birds Of A Feather, an informal discussion with industry peers who share a common
interest in goals, technologies, environments or background, for the Motion Capture Industry with presentations
and demonstrations on Wednesday, August 10th from 10am-12pm.
If you're unable to attend, please contact us for more info or to set-up an in-person or virtual demo.
April 26-29, 2011
PHASESPACE EXHIBITING AT GCMAS 2011 ANNUAL CONFERENCEPhaseSpace will be at the GCMAS Conference demonstrating the Impulse active marker system
integrated with the BTS SMART-Analyzer for biomechanical analysis of human movement. Come
explore how the latest motion capture technology delivers clean, precise data in real-time
to researchers and clinicians.
Read more... MARCH 3, 2011
PHASESPACE CO-HOSTING GDC NETWORKING PARTYPhaseSpace is once again co-hosting a networking party during the 2011 Game Developer's
Conference in San Francisco. Our co-hosts this year are Cinematico, Sandbox Studio and Super
Stealth Startup.
MAY 12-14, 2010
PHASESPACE AT JEGM CONFERENCE IN MIAMI FLORIDAThis annual gait analysis conference features companies with the newest and most advanced technologies for the Life Science industry. PhaseSpace will be demonstrating a suit-less motion capture solution and showing the capabilities of our Computer Vision System.
MAY 6, 2010
ORIGAMI DIGITAL EXPANDS FACILITYIn an AWN article, the founder of Origami Digital, Oliver Hotz, gives the PhaseSpace Mocap System great acclaim for having key advantages over competitor Mocap Systems. Origami Digital was the company responsible for the visual effects in The Aviator and Microsoft's Halo. Read the full article.
APRIL 27, 2010
SHAWNEE STATE UNIVERSITY OPENS MOCAP LABShawnee State University opened their motion capture studio consisting of a 32-camera PhaseSpace system in the University's Advanced Technology Center. Read the full article.
MARCH 25, 2010
XAVIER LANIER WRITES ARTICLE ABOUT PHASESPACELanier, a publisher from notebooks.com wrote an article featuring PhaseSpace's virtual camera as demonstrated at the HP Press Event this past Tuesday. Read the full article.
MARCH 23, 2010
PHASESPACE AT HP PRESS EVENTPhaseSpace was featured in the Best Practices Lab at the HP Press Event this past week at Raleigh Studios in LA. Demonstrations of the Impulse System and the Virtual Camera impressed over 160 reporters from around the world.
MARCH 11-13, 2010
PHASESPACE AT GDCPhaseSpace is partnering with Autodesk this year at GDC. We will be demonstrating our applications of MotionBuilder at the Autodesk booth on Saturday, March 13th from 10-11 AM. We will also be co-hosting a GDC Party on Thursday, March 11th. Contact Milton Garcia at milton@phasespace.com if you are interested in attending.
FEBRUARY 23-24, 2010
INITION HOSTS PHASESPACE OPEN DAYSInition, a certified PhaseSpace reseller and trainer, is hosting PhaseSpace Open Days on February 23-24, 2010 in their new demo studio in London. Visitors will have the opportunity to view and participate in real-time motion capture using the PhaseSpace IMPULSE system.
FEBRUARY 16, 2010
BLACK EYED PEAS VIDEO RELEASEDToday, Black Eyed Peas released their newest music video, ImmaBeRockinThatBody. The video features two giant dancing robots created using PhaseSpace's motion capture system. Watch the video.
PHASESPACE ADDS SUPPORT FOR REAL-TIME DATA STREAMING TO JACK SOFTWAREThrough a partnership with Siemens, PhaseSpace has added support for real-time data streaming from the PhaseSpace IMPULSE system to Siemens Jack software.
C-MOTION ADDS SUPPORT FOR PHASESPACE IN VISUAL3DC-Motion, Inc. has developed a PhaseSpace plug in, which allows for real-time streaming of PhaseSpace data into Visual3D.
OCTOBER 15-20, 2009
PHASESPACE ON TOUR IN TAIWANPitotech Co., Ltd. along with PhaseSpace, Inc. demonstrated IMPULSE motion capture solutions at various venues throughout Taiwan.
OCTOBER 11-12, 2009
PHASESPACE AT GDC CHINA 2009Longtek Company Limited (Reseller of PhaseSpace products in China) will be demonstrating the latest PhaseSpace IMPULSE motion capture solutions in the exhibition at GDC CHINA 2009. Attendees will have the opportunity to view real-time motion capture sessions involving full body tracking in Booth 68-69. PhaseSpace representatives will also be present for the demonstration.
AUGUST 3-7, 2009
PHASESPACE AT SIGGRAPH 2009We will be demonstrating the latest PhaseSpace motion capture solutions in "The Studio" at SIGGRAPH 2009. Attendees will have the opportunity to view and actively participate in real-time motion capture sessions involving multi-performer full body and finger tracking. In addition, the PhaseSpace 8 megapixel Vision camera based solution will be demonstrated. Other new PhaseSpace products that will be demonstrated include the latest version of the puck controller which shrinks the battery pack footprint down to the size of a matchbox.
MAY 22, 2009
PHASESPACE MOVES TO LARGER SPACEPhaseSpace has completed a move to larger and newer suites (in the same building). The new address is:
MARCH 10, 2009
MAGIC WINDOW INTO OTHER WORLDS DEMONSTRATED AT GAME DEVELOPER'S CONFERENCEPhaseSpace, the price/performance leader in optical motion capture systems, will be demonstrating a virtual camera at this year's Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco. The wireless “Magic Window” allows directors and artists to see the virtual world using a hybrid PhaseSpace motion capture system and Autodesk Motion Builder. For architectural walkthroughs, video game simulations, and movie previsualization, the “Magic Window” allows real time viewing of characters, sets and action. More than one “Magic Window” can be operated at a time for multiple views. »more
MARCH 1, 2009
NEW LENSES=BETTER LENSESIn an effort to push the PhaseSpace system to greater heights, three new lenses have replaced the old lenses in each Impulse camera. The new lenses boast a 50% greater range with far better data quality. The camera's range allows for larger capture areas and fewer cameras in smaller capture areas. It is important to note that the price of the new cameras have increased by 25 percent, due to the material cost of the new lenses. If you would like to purchase the new and upgraded cameras, please contact us at sales@phasespace.com.
FEBRUARY 20, 2009
PHASESPACE SYSTEM USED BY GRADIENT EFFECTS FOR GRAMMY NOMINATED MUSIC VIDEOThe PhaseSpace Impulse motion capture system was used by Gradient Effects to create an extraordinary music video for two-time Grammy winner, Gnarls Barkley. "Who's Gonna Save My Soul" is nominated for Best Short Form Music Video by the Grammy Recording Academy. The video is also nominated for Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Broadcast Program or Commercial by the Visual Effects Society. »more
JANUARY 23, 2009
US AIR FORCE CONTRACTS PHASESPACE FOR PORTABLE MISSILE MISS-DISTANCE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMPhaseSpace, the price/performance leader in optical motion capture technology, was selected in January, 2009, by the United States Air Force for a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Topic AF083-254: Portable Missile Miss-Distance Identification System, the third current PhaseSpace contract with the US Air Force. »more
OCTOBER 28-30, 2008
PHASESPACE AT DUBAI WORLD GAME EXPO 2008In partnership with our reseller, MediaSys, we will be demonstrating the latest PhaseSpace motion capture solutions in booths 208, 209, 218, and 219 of the DUBAI WORLD GAME EXPO 2008.
OCTOBER 22, 2008
PHASESPACE FEATURED ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL "PROTOTYPE THIS!"PhaseSpace is featured in the "Boxing Robots" episode of Prototype This! on the Discovery Channel. The episode was repeated on October 26 and can also be watched online at PROTOTYPE THIS!.
OCTOBER 9-12, 2008
PHASESPACE AT TOKYO GAME SHOW 2008We will be demonstrating the latest PhaseSpace motion capture solutions in "The Studio" on the exhibit floor at SIGGRAPH 2008. Attendees will have the opportunity to view and actively participate in real-time motion capture sessions involving multi-performer full body and finger tracking. In addition, the PhaseSpace 8 megapixel Vision camera based solution will be premiered. Other new PhaseSpace products that will be demonstrated include the latest version of the puck controller which shrinks the battery pack footprint down to the size of a matchbox.
AUGUST 11-15, 2008
PHASESPACE AT SIGGRAPH 2008In partnership with our reseller Nihon Binary, Co., Ltd., we will be demonstrating the latest PhaseSpace motion capture solutions in booth 3-N13 in the Business Solutions Area of TOKYO GAME SHOW 2008. Attendees will have the opportunity to view real-time motion capture solutions including full body motion tracking.
APRIL 6~8, 2008
ATA 2008Drop by the PhaseSpace booth #926 at the 13th Annual International Meeting and Exposition of the American Telemedicine Association (ATA 2008) to see how our real-time motion capture solutions contribute to the field of health and medicine. For applications from gait and motion analysis, to sports training, to ergonomics, find out how the IMPACT and IMPULSE systems can put incredibly reliable motion capture data within the reach of research budgets.
MARCH 18~20, 2008
SPIE 2008– DEFENSE & SECURITYPhaseSpace will be on the SPIE 2008 exhibit floor at table #238 to discuss our new 8-megapixel VISION Camera Solution and demonstrate the compact IMPACT system. From active LED to markerless solutions, PhaseSpace offers accurate motion tracking solutions that can be used with head-mounted displays, real-time training, robotics control, and more. We are proud to offer our technology towards the improved defense and security of our country.
FEBRUARY 20~22, 2008
GDC 2008PhaseSpace will be showcasing its new IMPACT system in conjunction with its IMPULSE system at the Game Developer's Conference 2008 (GDC 2008). Drop by booth #6633 to see how our solutions can improve your game development by providing real-time pre-visualization, cleaner raw data, improved skeleton mapping, and even real-time streaming into the Unreal Engine. We will be available on the exhibit floor to demonstrate the system, answer questions, and help you find the best motion capture solution for your company.
JANUARY 9, 2008
PhaseSpace has designed a compact and effective desktop motion capture solution, named the IMPACT system. This portable solution is designed for projects involving face, hand, and small capture areas. At a fraction of the price of a complete IMPULSE system, it provides the same high-quality motion capture data when full body capture is not needed. The IMPACT system will debut at GDC 2008. DECEMBER 21, 2007
UCSD - INSTITUTE FOR NEURAL COMPUTATIONPhaseSpace's dependable high-speed, high-resolution motion capture data enabled University of California, San Diego to confirm the use of hand movement measurements as a valid and objective means of determining the severity scale of Parkinson's disease in individual patients. This latest breakthrough offers the medical field an unobtrusive means of objectively and precisely evaluating the effectiveness of various therapies on reversing the degenerative effects of Parkinson's disease.
DECEMBER 1, 2007
HALO 3 SHORTS UTILIZE PHASESPACE MOTION CAPTURE TECHNOLOGYComputer Graphics World Magazine featured an article on Origami Digital for their work on three Halo 3 live-action shorts using the PhaseSpace IMPULSE system. Covering 140 shots in 2.5 months with only 5 artists, the PhaseSpace motion capture system is credited for making the production possible. Real time pre-visualization provided by the IMPULSE system eliminated the need for re-shooting by giving the director control over the shoot in California from halfway around the world. High quality capture data required little touch-up and eliminated the need for keyframe animation. PhaseSpace motion capture helped Origami Digital produce the shots needed with limited time and human resources.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2007
REAL-TIME FINGER, BODY, AND FACIAL MOTION CAPTURE SOLUTIONPhaseSpace announces its new integrated finger tracking and face tracking solutions. Active LED markers have been adapted for facial use in the Face system, with 18 to 32 markers providing real-time facial motion capture data that can be used in conjunction with the PhaseSpace Glove solution and full-body suit for real-time tracking in the IMPULSE system. Users will find that these options further open the doors in many fields such as animation, medical research, and VR training, just to name a few.
AUGUST 16, 2007
Building on the rapid success of Phase I research that was initiated last year, PhaseSpace is deploying its state of the art motion capture systems to precisely measure the effects of wind on aircraft wing vibrations for the Air Force at test facilities at Arnold Air Force Base, TN.
AUGUST 5~9, 2007
PhaseSpace presented its latest motion capture solutions in San Diego at SIGGRAPH 2007. This included a presentation of the latest face and finger tracking solutions, as well as a demonstration of PhaseSpace RECAP, a powerful skeleton fitting and motion editing software package. RECAP is a major addition to the PhaseSpace software suite, which allows users significantly improved abilities to capture, display, edit, and deliver motion capture data.
MAY 13~15, 2007
PhaseSpace presented its medical applications at the 12th Annual International Meeting and Exposition of the American Telemedicine Association (ATA 2007), May 13-15, 2007, Nashville, Tennessee. PhaseSpace is currently developing 3D Ultrasound, Gait Analysis, and Tracking inside of MRI solutions to meet the needs of the medical provider community while providing effective, low cost, and less invasive treatment options for patients.
APRIL 5, 2007
Phasespace now supports a Python API. Clients will now be able to write customized client software to communicate with Phasespace hardware through the Python Scripting Language. The Python module is available for download to existing customers by request.
APRIL 5, 2007
The Phasespace IMPULSE system now supports the Virtual Reality Peripheral Network (VRPN) libraries. The customized vrpn server is available for download to existing customers by request.
MARCH 10~14, 2007
PhaseSpace will be presenting solutions for VR based applications at IEEE Virtual Reality 2007, March 10-14, 2007, in Charlotte, North Carolina.
MARCH 7~9, 2007
Drop by the PhaseSpace booth (5336 NH) at GDC 2007, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco and learn about how PhaseSpace optical motion capture solutions are streamlining the motion capture pipeline for customers worldwide.
PhaseSpace will be attending IITSEC on December 4th to 7th.
Booth 1374: Real time Motion Tracking for training and simulation. NOVEMBER 2006
Air Force SBIR
PhaseSpace has completed Phase I of an Air Force SBIR successfully. AUGUST 1~3, 2006
PhaseSpace will be at SIGGRAPH 06 in Boston in the AMD booth and the Guerilla studio, showing the real time performance capture and animatics. PhaseSpace will allow attendees to capture their own motion during signup sessions in the Guerilla Studio. Please visit our Siggraph Page for more information.
JULY 05, 2006
PhaseSpace, the leading technology provider for Optical Motion Capture and Motion Tracking has been awarded a Phase I SBIR from the United States Air Force. This advanced tracking system will help the Air Force design and test advanced Aircraft in wind tunnels up to Mach 2. PhaseSpace is working with the Navy Research Labs, Sandia National Labs, The US Army Proving Grounds and other research labs to provide the best technology at affordable prices.
JUNE 16, 2006
PhaseSpace launches redesign of PhaseSpace.com
APRIL 18, 2006
PhaseSpace demonstrates Impulse system in AMD booth at National Association of Broadcasters conference. »see article
MARCH 22-24, 2006
2006 PhaseSpace demonstrates Impulse system in AMD booth at Game Developers Conference 2006 in San Jose.
MTV Brazil Video Music AwardsMusic video produced by RPM Produtora using a PhaseSpace optical motion capture system receives Best Art Direction on the MTV Brazil Video Music Awards.
JULY 31, 2005
SIGGRAPH 2005PhaseSpace demonstrates latest optical motion capture systems at SIGGRAPH 2005. Attendees were able to suit up and capture motion in the Guerilla Studio.
JUNE 16, 2005
Cinemanix motion capture studioCinemanix installs 16 camera PhaseSpace motion digitizer in their motion capture studio.
APRIL 20, 2005
First motion capture system in South AmericaPhaseSpace system delivered to RPM Produtora (Sao Paulo, Brazil) is first motion capture system in South America.
SEPTEMBER 19, 2004
Premiere of weekly television show, "Et Dieu crea...Laflaque" on Radio-Canada TelevisionThe series is produced by Montreal based Vox Populi Productions, which uses PhaseSpace technology to animate the characters.
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