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PhaseSpace motion capture system software
Because of the patented active LED technology, PhaseSpace has reduced the reliance on complicated software to resolve marker positions. Unlike traditional motion capture systems that require users to template markers or place them asymmetrically, PhaseSpace systems resolve the unique IDs automatically. This allows the software to be uncomplicated and very easy to use. PhaseSpace also includes a full C++ and Python API to allow users to write their own custom applications. All PhaseSpace software runs on both Linux and Windows.
PhaseSpace Motion Capture Recording/Cleanup Suite

Recap2 doubles as an interface to the PhaseSpace system and a data cleanup tool. It includes a skeleton generator to estimate joint angles and output skeleton data. Record, process, and export .C3D or .BVH files all from a single application.

PhaseSpace Motion Capture Recording Application

PhaseSpace Master functions as the primary client to the PhaseSpace motion capture system. Just a click of a button starts the system. From here, multiple client nodes are able to connect as secondary clients. Master supports session and take recording, outputting in the PhaseSpace .RPD format as well as .C3D.

PhaseSpace Motion Capture Configuration Manager

The PhaseSpace Configuration Manager is the main interface for configuring and monitoring PhaseSpace systems. Accessible from any browser on the same network, this interface enables remote configuration of the motion capture system.

PhaseSpace Motion Capture Calibration Application

Quick and easy calibration using a single-step process takes just a few minutes for PhaseSpace systems, in almost any space and configuration. Like all PhaseSpace applications, the calibration software can be run remotely on a client machine.

PhaseSpace Motion Capture Motionbuilder Plug-In

Using the PhaseSpace plugin for MotionBuilder, PhaseSpace systems are able to stream real-time optical data directly into MotionBuilder, giving users access to MotionBuilder’s industry-leading character animation features.

PhaseSpace Motion Capture VRPN Support

VRPN is a library of classes in C++ developed by the University of North Carolina that provide an abstraction layer for many types of tracking devices. It is favored by many companies and universities as a method to reduce development overhead by having a common API to interface with a variety of hardware devices. VRPN opens up a new layer of compatibility with VRPN capable software, such as 3DVIA's Virtools and WorldViz's Vizard.

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