The Studio: Merchant of Venus Prime
PhaseSpace has teamed up with key partners to contribute technology and sponsor the Merchant of Venus Prime project in
The Studio at SIGGRAPH. Participants will be bringing together their artistic, technical, and creative skills to produce a trailer for an animated feature.
SIGGRAPH Studio's The Merchant of Venus Prime sponsored by Autodesk, PhaseSpace,
HP, Daz3D, Facegen and Origami Digital showcases the capabilities of state
of the art production and visualization tools and makes experimentation
available to all SIGGRAPH attendees.
Autodesk MotionBuilder will be utilized to import pre-built models
and sets from Daz3D along with Daz3D Genesis Characters customized with
Facegen software to look like the actual actors. With real time feedback,
Director Dona Roman and her team of actors from Sul Ross State University
will translate Shakespeare's 16th century play into the 31st century on the planet Venus Prime.
Please join us in this experiment in putting together the latest and
greatest tools in Digital Media at SIGGRAPH 2012's Studio.
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